Elena our President‘s sad loss weighed heavily on Members
during our meeting number 762.
Atinder was an apology, which meant we could not access the
storage cupboard, so we had to conduct the meeting without the timing
equipment, the lectern and gavel etc. Worst of all, I had to endure the
tea-break with only green tea to drink!! I did console myself however, with the
thought that 1.3 billion Chinese can’t be wrong!
Udana carried-out the Toastmaster role with aplomb and
confidence, David did extraordinarily well as Sergeant at Arms, minus the
attention gaining gavel.
Arun did an amazing
job of juggling the Timekeepers role (with no electronic aids)as well as
General Evaluator and any other job that no-one else wanted. Magnificent work
Arun and an inspiration to us lesser mortals!.
It was very pleasing to see EIGHT Guests. Welcome to
Christina, Martin, Daniel, Vick, Ramya, Bol, Mangar and Juma hope you enjoyed
last evenings meeting and we’d love to see you again.
Theme for the night was Aim for the Stars and Arun provided
a complimentary WOD = Aspiration. Without meaning to blow my own trumpet (well,
not much anyway) I believe I took-out the most usage of the WOD by using it at
least 50 to 100 times. OK, OK, I exaggerate, but I’m writing this and I’m
awarding myself a degree of creative licence!!!! . Hmmmmm.
Winner of the Table Topics category was Chih who treated us
to a highly imaginative tale of how he wore a wheelbarrow on his head in order
to ward-off sunburn. Well done Chih, can I recommend my Psychologist !!!LOL
Speakers were David, Hiren and Chih and Evaluators were Wendy,
Arun and Bruce ……. definitely a hat-trick of Evaluation excellence.
The Best Speaker award was a tie between David and Chih.
New Member Jacqueline did her best to disrupt the meeting
with a coughing fit and managed to take herself out of the room just as I was
about to call an ambulance.
In all, I think it was a productive meeting despite our
hearts being understandably heavy.
Again, I ask all members to remember that Toastmasters is
not a destination, it is a journey. Please make every effort to attend meetings
……… you know you will enjoy and benefit from it.
Thank you to all attendees and remember that if you are
listed to carry out a duty or role on the meeting of the 16th,
please advise Udana if you are unable to attend.
Paul von Harder